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News: New book by associate poetry editor Judy Kronenfeld

Congratulations to associate poetry editor Judy Kronenfeld, whose latest poetry collection, Shimmer, is just out from WordTech Editions. See below for info.


In Shimmer, Judy Kronenfeld’s careful attention to the details of the particular and domestic also throws off sparks from the larger cultural, political and historical currents charging those events. Sample Poems by Judy Kronenfeld
“Judy Kronenfeld is a Southern Californian/Ex-New Yorker who’s crossed geographies and decades with her eyes and her heart open. In these fine poems she gives us the fruits of her journeying, some as close to home as the checkout line where we stand ‘ambivalent as mid-afternoon’ and some so globally empathetic that she can write about the mothers of ‘martyred’ babies on one side and soldiers on the other—war victims both: ‘The romance / of a meaningful death must be so brief.’ Kronenfeld’s nearly photographic eye knows that ‘night falls fast, / so fast, piling up in steep / soft drifts, canceling / cornice, column, piling up / in streets of ash and embers’ and yet her poems show us how careful attention continues to enrich us—‘You still see nothing / that is not there, / but now you sense everything / that is.’” —Deborah Bogen
“Judy Kronenfeld’s Shimmer radiates a fierce clarity of vision: the glow of the title is fed by intensities of memory and desire, love and rage. I’m deeply moved by these powerfully voiced poems that oscillate between evocations of an earlier world—the ‘crumbling Bronx,’ the ‘white noise’ of the city—and the new realm of age, loss, and reconciliation to which we all must come.”—Sandra M. Gilbert


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