Shaindel Beers

This poem came to fruition when I saw the news coverage of protesters yelling at immigrant children to go back to their own countries. Many of the signs had religious connotations, and I wondered what particular Jesus these "Christians" were worshiping. After that, the poem seemed to write itself.


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White Republican Jesus Speaks to His Followers

Blessed are those who own 3,000 square foot
McMansions. But more blessed are those
who own 10,000 square foot golf course estates.
Most blessed are the corporations,
for the job creators shall inherit the profits.

Blessed are the widows and orphans
as long as they are white and speak English.
Still blessed are the widows and orphans
who are brown and speak broken English
as long as they will work off the books
as your bus boys, nannies, and gardeners,
for their employers shall inherit their savings.

Blessed are the soldiers while they are fighting
your oil wars, but not when they come home
because then they are veterans and cost
the Federal government much too much money
what with their asking for handouts.
They shall inherit nothing.   

Blessed are the hedge fund managers
and the bankers. Blest be the gods of Wall Street.
Blessed are the Fox News commentators,
and the AM radio talk show hosts. Blest
be the anti-gay protesters who stand
spewing my hate at those who would
sully the sanctity of marriage. Blest
be the tax-cutters who would keep us
from Evil, for they shall “decrease” the deficit.

This I pray in the name of Lee Greenwood,
Benghazi, AR-15s, Chick-fil-A, red meat,
Hobby Lobby, and Ford F250s. Forever
and ever. Amen.


Shaindel Beers is the author of two full-length poetry collections, A Brief History of Time (2009) and The Children's War and Other Poems (2013), both from Salt Publishing. She serves as Poetry Editor of Contrary Magazine and teaches at Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton, Oregon. Learn more at Official Site of Shaindel Beers .